Thursday, March 21, 2013

"Making the Invisible, Visible: The first step..."

Human Trafficking is one of the profitable businesses in the world, this makes the fact that it needs to be stopped even greater or who knows where we will be in the next couple of years. This problem is very important, it effects many people as for they may not have known they would be stuck in a cage, waiting to be raped again. It may not only effect women and their rights, but children, children too, have been put into labour or in the worst cases sold as sex slaves. So far throughout researching this horrible crime, I have come across many disturbing things and things that have surprised mem much like the fact that slaves can be bought for about 90$ (270 RM). Another thing that has really surprised me is all the stories that have come up, for example, a story of a young girl, named Nina, and was kidnapped from a party, she got sold into sex slaver, and was never found again. This makes me feel like I need to help, it makes me feel like I want to help, to stop these innocent people from getting hurt anymore. If we can all help out, who knows, we might even end this thing once and for all.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Malya Villard-Appolon: Protecting The Powerless

Malya Villard-Appolon

An account of sexual violence cases have increased dramatically over the years after the earthquake in 2010, which killed over 200,000 people and shifting nearly 25% of Haiti’s population. Malya Villard-Appolon has experienced these reports herself, being raped twice, and her 14 year old daughter being raped in a displacement camp. "There is nowhere safe where I can live...”-said Malya Villard-Appolon, supported by many bystanders and victims. By creating camps and places for homeless women to live and sleep, Malya Villard-Appolon has created an environment that is not only safe for women, but younger children who are experiencing the inhumane acts of rape.

All around the Islands of Haiti, women are being raped, and left to fight for themselves and a possible baby on the way. With unsuitable living conditions and unsanitary water to drink from, the streets of Haiti can be a harsh place. Malya Villard-Appolon is fighting for these women, by providing shelter with food and sanitary water. But how is this effecting Haiti?, and what has is the effect of Malya Villard-Appolon’s organization?.

By creating an organization named KOFAVIV, Malya Villard-Appolon has given women a place to live and to regenerate all that was lost, with food, sanitary water, shelters, and a place where you can somewhat establish a new life. As a cofounder of the KOFAVIV, Malya Villard-Appolon watched the  organization smash to the ground when the earthquake hit, she managed to regroup with what’s left of the founders, and pull through to recreate the KOFAVIV.Despite the escalating violence and the loss of its clinic, KOFAVIV regrouped to help victims by providing food, water and shelter in Haiti's "tent city" camps, in which about 500,000 people still live today.” But what about shelter and  places to grow and regenerate? Malya Villard-Appolon has helped these people by giving them a place where they have food and sanitary water to drink from, all in all a safe place. In giving safety and support (food & water), KOFAVIV and it’s cofounder, Malya Villard-Appolon have been working to give women support and and safety so they can stay off the street and also training so they don’t have to sell themselves for money.KOFAVIV and other groups are working to help young girls and women, giving them safety, support and training so they can make money and not have to sell themselves.”What is the effect of this though? In this quote, it shows how all the resources being given are helping women in need of shelter, food and water. In doing so, Malya Villard-Appolon has created an environment that is safe and provides all three components, food, shelter, and water. But in what ways are these problems effecting Haiti?

What is the effect of the rise in reports of sexual violence? A reporter from Haiti, called this act dehumanizing as for he believes that it degrades his country and makes them look like every citizen of Haiti are such animals. "The conditions are so dehumanizing. Over months and months, it increases all forms of violence, including sexual violence.”. What are some other effects? Calling Haiti a degrading country due to the amount of rape reports  is probably an accurate statement. One of the effects that this had was the disbelief in others own country, and feeling that there country has nothing left, basically they believed there was no more hope for their country and this was a problem.  Malya Villard-Appolon spent half a year in the dangerous camp named “Champ De Mars” she said this is where she watched everything deteriorate. "I spent six months witnessing it," she said. "Babies are not spared; adults are not spared; mothers are not spared; sisters are not spared." What has been the effect due to the regrouping of  the KOFAVIV organization? Seeing the camp “Champ De Mars” deteriorate Malya Villard-Appolon knew it was time to act, she saw people being raped and what would happen to the baby if they made it through birth, and if they were, they wouldn’t make it due to no one had any money after the earthquake that hit in 2010.  But what has happened so far, after Malya Villard-Appolon and other co founders regrouped to to recreate the KOFAVIV organization?

What has is the effect of Malya Villard-Appolon’s organization? As a cofounder of the KOFAVIV organization, Malya and her colleagues have reduced the amount of rapes in all of haiti by an astonishing 4,000 rapes but now take a moment to think about all that we could do if it was more than just one organization.  “Rape cases in 2010 (after the Earthquake leaving many in camps) was at an astonishing 1,000 rape reports in only 22 of the 800 camps  but now, take a moment to think of all of the camps combined, now in the year of 2012 all of those camps combined have decreased in the rape crimes by 4,000.” But other than that what has happened other than the amazing amount of decreasing rape reports? In the decreasement of rape cases, this is a result of the regrouping of the KOFAVIV organization and how they came together out of their own will. What can we wish for the future, although there has been a massive decreasement in the amount of rape cases, can we hope for a bigger decreasement or is that too much? Well what does Malya think?"My dream is that we will get to a place where we stop talking about the number of rape cases. We will stop talking about Haiti as a country where people are committing violence against others. One day, we have to be able to say that we have a country with people who respect each other." And can we stop rape crimes for ever? Malya Villard-Appolon dreams for a place where we do not need to worry about others being attacked and raped or a place where we are discussing this exact topic, a place where you can be safe and live with your family and live as a community. By doing so, can we prevent rape all over the world, but how will we do this?

I believe that we can make this world a better place by creating organizations much like the one that Malya Villard-Appolon, as shown in this essay, how successful it is and what are things we can do to help. Malya Villard-Appolon and her organization are a great example of heroes, they have shown all things needed to help people who are powerless. Now it’s our turn, how can you help?

Monday, October 29, 2012

Kesz Valdez

There are 925 million people living on 1 dollar a day and less. Among all the children in the world, 121 million of them live without education, in unexceptional locations and have to drink unsanitary water. All they need is some hope. In the Philippines there are over 103,775,002 children living in poverty; all in need of education, and suitable locations to live. One boy who lived on a rubbish dump, is determined to make a difference to the lives of street kids. Kesz Valdez, once a forgotten child,  is now helping children all around Philippines, through educating them on hygiene and giving them hope, to help them live a better life.

Kesz, a boy who came from poverty, knows how unhealthy life on the streets is and helps children by educating them on hygiene. At the age of 4, Kesz escaped his abusive Father’s clutches, only to live in the dumpsite for the next three years. “My family picks garbage to sell, garbage to use and garbage to eat.  I used to drink water from a pothole...even from sewage canals...”. Garbage is a breeding ground for germs and bacteria. Kesz had to live amongst it and even eat it; he knows first hand how unhealthy this is. Due to Kesz’s knowledge of how unhealthy life on the streets is, Kesz has a true understanding on how to help kids around the Philipines “...sharing your simple knowledge of hand washing and brushing teeth will lead a street child to a better health.” After being saved by Mr Harnin, Kesz made his life goal to help the children of the streets to become more educated on the facts of hygiene, and more. On his 7th birthday, Kesz created an organization to help street children, so they can have more knowledge on staying cleaner than he did. By giving children education, Kesz is raising hopes to a better life witha possible job, so they could acquire money to live in suitable conditions. Kesz grew up in a life of poverty, which gave him a mission to educate street children on hygiene and give them the knowledge to battle diseases and live longer.

After being given another chance at life, Kesz started an organization at the age of 7, to give to the street children of Philippines some hope. Throughout the whole event of Kesz falling into a pit of fire, Kesz was rescued by Mr. Harnin, to this day Kesz looks back at that fire, and thinks of it as the best thing that ever happened to him. “Looking back, the fire that burned my skin and flesh is the same fire that started a flame in my soul. A flame that would warm cold hearts, a flame that would shed light to the path of the lost, a flame that would spark hope, lighting an entire sea of darkness and desperation.” After falling into a burning pit of fire at the dumpsite, Kesz would cry himself to sleep. This gave him a desperation in his heart to give something to the children of the streets in the Philippines, hope, to give them a better chance at life. That spark is what created his organization, that spark is the reason there has been children with a place to turn to. “Please join me in helping street children achieve better health and better lives. Let us join our properly washed hands and open our hearts to the homeless and the hopeless.” Whilst creating the organization “Campioning Community Children” Kesz, made his goal for the organization to give children of the streets, hope, giving him, a possible life to live for, like; a family, a job, etc.. Kesz, born into a life with no hope and nobody to care for him, is today the leader of “Championing Community Children” which gives exactly what Kesz needed when he was younger - someone to rely on and something to keep fighting for. Hope. 

Ever since Kesz’s 7th birthday, he has been determined and has been striving towards his goal. By giving hope and an education on hygiene to children of the streets, they can stay healthy and disease free. Kesz deserves the right to call himself the annual 2012 Children's Peace Prize Award. Having being a huge inspiration for children all around the world and especially the Philippines, he is giving them a hopeful, better life and longer life. Kesz has given the children of the Philippines the strength to stand up for what he believes is right.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Where Are You From?

Where are you from?

I’m from my Mum and Dad,
from Haggis and Bacon,
I’m  from the hills in Arbroath,
not to mention the ruins
I’m from Rangers, the greatest club in the world
I‘m from the sandy deserts of Dubai
to the rainy monsoons of Malaysia

I’m from How I Met Your Mother and Community,
I’m from OMG!
and LOL,
from turn that music down!
and go do your homework

I’m from Denny’s and IHop,
Pancakes and waffles?
From Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster
I’m from Football,Volleyball and  Rugby

In my cupboard there are pictures,
of my family, friends
I am from those people
sculpting to the person I will be

--Jamie Mands

This is an image that I think portraits where we are from


Thursday, May 24, 2012


Consider the following statements:
  • A good leader considers the will of the people.
  • To maintain control, you must have power.
  • Standing up to oppression takes great individual courage.

In view of what we have learned in our unit on the Middle Ages, choose one of the above statements and justify it through examples from our unit and if possible with examples from modern day society.

I chose Standing up to oppression takes great individual courage. The reason I chose this is because I think that you have to have a lot of heart to stand up to someone in power. I think this is because if you look at the feudal system and then look at the bottom of the feudal system you see the peasants, now look at the top and you have a king. There is such a big difference between these two places, and for a peasant to stand up for himself against the king, it is very fascinating. It is fascinating because he risked his life and the lives of others so that they could all live without poll tax.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Who had the strongest claim to the throne?!

In the year of 1066 King Edward the Confessor of England had passed, and now there were three men, all brave and mighty, claiming to the throne. There was Harold Godwinson the leader of the English Army, who was claiming to the throne as for Edward the Confessor had promised him 2 years ago. There was Duke William of Normandy, also known as William the Conqueror, his claim being 15 years ago he visited Edward the Confessor, who then promised him as the heir to the throne. Not to mention that in 1064, Harold Godwinson was captured on a visit to Normandy, taken to William the Conqueror, and was forced to make an OATH, that promised to help William the Conqueror become the King of England. Just so you should know, making an OATH was a big deal, if you were to break an oath (promise), your life could be at steak. And then there was lastly Harald Hadrada, the Norwegian King, claimed that his ancestor was the great King of England, King Cnut. So you have learnt all their claims, but WHO HAD THE BEST CLAIM!? First of all I think that the Norwegian King is out of the picture because all he has is his mouth, he has no one to confirm that he is . I can go up to the current Queen of England and say that she is my ancestor, and then become King. NO WAY! Now it is down to Godwinson and The Conqueror. Rightfully and also known by the people Harold Godwinson is what I would believe to have a strong claim to the throne. The reason for this is because the people all knew that Edward the Confessor had promised him the throne, and also the fact that Godwinsons sister was married to Edward the Confessor it was pretty imaginable that he would become the next king and himself also being the leader of the army. I think that William the Conqueror had a strong claim but not strong enough he had no one to confirm he actually was promised to be King, or that the Oath that Godwinson made was true. But throughout all of their claims I think that Harold Godwinson had the strongest claim.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Values and Choices

Think about a time you witnessed bullying/ostracism/peer pressure/exclusion/discrimination/violence. How did you respond? How do you wish you had responded? What stopped you from responding that way?
A time where I have seen exclusion? Well I have seen a lot of exclusion but none were serious (like playing around) except one. This one was not very serious but it was not very nice, at all. In this experience there were two boys trying to be partners with another and one thing led to another they got angry at each other and then one kid was left out, then he was not really friends with the other kid so it all ended up with one kid who was left out of everything. I wish I had stepped in and said that maybe "you can be partners with him today and you can be partners tomorrow, instead I left them and now they are not friends anymore. Something that stopped me from responding that way was the fact that I myself did not want to be excluded, as Eve S. said in her video it is often more satisfying to be included by more people than just one, I guess that is how I felt.

Where have we seen examples of bullying/ostracism/exclusion occurring in texts studied so far this year- factual as well as fictional?
In the book Shadow Of The Minotaur, we tend to see Phoenix (the main character) being bullied by Steve Adams, this is very bad bullying of course and so is all others.

Select one line/phrase/group of sentences that are significant to you. Explain why.
The line I have chosen is "often being accepted by other is far more satisfying than accepted by one self"
The reason this is significant to me is because it is true no one can deny that they would rather be accepted by one more than more people, because I sure know I would. Some may think differently but I don't. I also think it all depends on the loyalty of

How is ostracism different from other forms of bullying? When does ostracizing or excluding someone from a group become part of bullying?
I think that it becomes a part of bullying because if you do not hang out with someone then they may think that there is something wrong with them so they will go home and cry

What’s familiar about the incident Eve describes?
The familiar think about this incident is the fact of people being picked on due to the fact that they have a Diary or something like that, it has most likely been a big problem throughout all of the world.

What surprised you?
It surprised me about the fact that they all grew up together and they were all brought up to not disrespect someone due to their race, and then there was still bullying.

How does Eve’s story relate to bullying? Was she bullied? Did she bully? How would you explain her behavior?( perpetrator/bystander/victim?). make sure you justify( back up your answer.
Eve was bullied as she said but she also bullied herself due to the fact of herself wanted to be accepted