Tuesday, November 29, 2011

How do religions unify and divide people?

I believe that religions unify people in a few ways. One of those are that it interests people on how they think. For example what they believe in. Like how Buddhists believe in the Buddha and Hindi's believe in Ganesha. I find it interesting as well. I have always liked to learn about religions especially because I have been learning about them for a long time. I also think that they unite because sometimes people feel the same way for a certain thing. Like a hunger strike some people may agree and some may not. I think that they divide people in many ways but here is the main one; I think that they divide people because of their beliefs and thoughts. The reason I think this is because that everyone has their own way and some people get into fights because of it. And that is what I think about the question, how do religions unify and divide people.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

This I Believe

Creating Our Own Happiness
Summary: This is about a famous guitarist and singer for the Flaming Lips named Wayne Coyne, who experiences something that changes his life. This moment changed his life because it showed him that you don't need to be wealthy or have money to be happy. As for he saw a happy homeless couple. He also learned that the real magic is done by humans. He also learned that in his early years of working as a fry cook. That watching people come in and out of here made him realize that he can become anything that he wants.
Why did this appeal to you: This appeals to me because it is such a nice story and I think that I can relate to this. I love seeing people who have nothing... Extremely happy. It just makes me feel better of myself than I actually am. I really like this story and I think that is can be a very inspirational story to some.

Domiknow Profile

I am Profile L....... I learn best when I am moving and I also learn best through whole pictures. I beleive this is true because it says this on my profile and I act these ways in class. For example I will rock on my chair a lot in class and I always get distracted.
I need to stop getting distracted. There is a lot of things I should stop getting distracted by for example I really need to stop getting distracted by friends and other things in the class. This is one of the things that really brings down my learning
The strategies that would help me in my learning is that if I move about a lot in class then it will be fine. But when I am moving I can not distract other kids or not move like across the room. I should just move a little bit. These are some good things to do to get over the fact that you need to move around in class. I would like my teachers to know this about me..... I would like my teachers to know that I am a fidgety student as I have explained in the questions above. Also I would like my teachers to know that I am a student that gets distracted by other people and other things easily.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Odysseus i the book in 50 words or less

The brave hero Odysseus embarks on is journey back from the war. He gets thrown of course and his men go off wandering un till he finds them eating fruits, right after he realizes this is the land of the lotus eaters which can make you forget everything.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Jamie's Bio-Poem

Who is funny
Who is brother of Kayleigh
Who loves his dogs, his parents and his sister
Who feels happy, tired and extremely excited
Who needs another pet, good grades and to be a better writer
Who gives laughter, fun and kindness
Who fears Monkeys, Tarantulas and getting stitches
Who woud like to see the Moto GP
Who shares toys
Who is nice
Who is a resident of my parents house

Thursday, May 26, 2011


This is a video about the birth of Zeus and his intesions in life. He has a war against his dad and all will unfold if you watch the movie on it's release date July 2nd

Thursday, May 19, 2011

My Grade 6 Reflection

1. What piece of work and learning are you most proud? Explain.
The piece of work im most proud of is probably my Ancient Egyptian Diary. The reason why I am as proud of it as I am is because I believe it shows my best work as a writer and if I could, I would wish to use the same format in my other pieces of writing. Also I think this is a great piece because I spent all of my time on it and I really put a lot of effort into so I believe that I did good on this My learning way I am most proud of is that I can learn through movement and whole picture, and I prefer to move to process. This all means I am a L learning profile. My learning style may be different but I like it just the way it is.

2. What were your greatest challenges? Explain.
I think the pieces I had the biggest challenge on, was the Literature Circles. The reason I think this is because I couldn't really come up with good questions so I had challenges because the grade mostly counted on the question. This does not mean I did not understand the book it just shows I was not motivated enough to come up with the best questions I could. Another challenge for me was that I was not that good at tic-tac-toes at the start of the year as we did one on early humans, and as for we have done one quite recently it shows I have made a big change in my learning. Which I am very proud of.

3. Reflecting on your growth this year, what did you learn about yourself as a learner?
During this year of 6th grade I have learnt a lot of things including: how I learn, things I need to work on and a lot more. The thing I learnt best about myself is my ability to work in a team. Working in a team shows you can collaborate constructively. The reason I think I can do this subject really well is because in Humanities, Drama, Health, Math, and Science (pretty much all of my classes) I have had to work in groups which makes me so proficient in that subject. This makes a stable study ethic because doing a lot of group work and i believe there will be more group work.

4. To evaluate your work habits, choose 1 of the following from each category ( and provide explanations):
b) Participation
Actively participate in class (This one)
Explanation: First of all I think participation shows my work habits. The reason I chose this one choice is because I think myself is the guy who is a person who always participates in class and If someone needs help I will usually always volunteer myself to do the job. A experience I had with participation was where we were presenting projects and a friend needed someone to hold there object that they did for the presentation. That shows participation in class as for I am volunteering myself to do things for other people.

5. Based upon your reflections, write two personal learning goals for Grade 7 next year.
Goal 1- In grade 7, I plan to get my grades up in mainly two subjects, Math and Science. The reason I would like to get these up because recently they have been going down rather than up. So it would be great to get them up.
Goal 2- In grade 7, I plan to also work on organization. The reason I say this is because I have not been organized in all my subjects. This pretty much neglects my homework so I forget about it. Which also leeds to my first goal abuot keeping my grades up and keeping them at a stable level.

6. Is there any more information about yourself that you would like the teachers of 7th grade to know?
I would like the teachers of 7th grade to know that during class I may get very distracted by my peers which I am not proud of and I am trying to improve this. I think as I go along im getting better and better at staying focused and keeping on track. As I said before organization is a thing I really need to work on so I just think you should know I may not be the best at that. I also think I am getting better at organization but I am doing it very slowly.

7. What was your favorite activity lesson in Humanities this year? What did you enjoy about it?
I would say it is the Ancient Egyptian Unit. I chose this unit because I had so much fun researching all about it and learning so many different things, it really opened up my eyes to how Ancient Egyptians lived. The thing I enjoyed most about it is how we got to pick a Pharoah and we had to study him like: his age when started ruling, his accomplishments and much more it was a lot of fun and if I had to do it again I would for sure.

8. What activity do you wish we could have spent more time on?
I think personally we should have spent more time on our zeitgeist (the slideshow about our 6th grade year and the things we have accomplished). I think we should have spent more time on it because I wanted to accomplish a lot more with it so it ould have been it its best as for I did lose some of my photos which made me get a grade that was not my best and I think I could have shown a better slideshow than I did.

9. Finally, cast your minds back to the first few months of middle school (when you arrived in Grade 6 ) what "Words of Wisdom" or "Advice" could you pass on to the Class of 2018?
I have quite a few words for the class of 2018. I just think that they should be ready for a few things including: increase of homework amount different teachers (but also great teachers), and the rest you will just have to find out when you get into 6th grade. One more thing don't be afraid of the teachers after hearing all of these tails about really strict teachers. All of the teachers in grade six are amazing and funny so you will have a great time with them as I did.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Lit circle #5 Letter from Will

Dear people of Wherton,

You are all probably wondering why I left. Well let me tell you, it all started when my best friend Jack was about to be capped. When he was being lifted by the Tripod it made me think about not being able to think for myself. After I thought about it for a while I realized that I just couldn't go through with it. Then suddenly one day someone named Ozymandias told me about a place that you could be safe from the Tripods. After the conversation with him I just knew that I had to go, so that is exactly what I did. On the journey to my current location I have learned so much such as: society and life, and the importance of freedom. Somethings I remember about the importance of freedom is that you really have to make the right choice in life because sometimes it can result in life or death. I learned a few things about society and life because I visited so many different countries for ex: Paris. I learned a lot from Paris mainly because of the people I met and the people I stayed with. I have run into a lot of other different people in different but I should not get into that. I miss you all and am sorry for leaving without saying good bye.

Sincerely Will

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Lit circle #3

The tripods were able to take control by taking the worlds internet. Internet is one of the worlds best learning source. The tripods are taking the internet because the internet will help them learn to take over.

"if we stay then they'll cap us". This shows Will stressfull because he is not fit enough to travel so he can't. but then on the other hand if he stays then he will be capped.

"if we stay then they'll cap us". I say this again because i think that it shows stress and he doesn't want to be capped.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The White Mountains # 2

How will Beanpole effect Will and Henry's journey?

I think Beanpole is not a good guy but if I had to answer I would say Maybe Bean pole will help them escape from the tripods. What I mean is possibly Will and Henry will confront a tripod and will be in trouble then Beanpole will come in to save them. Also the reason why I think he is a bad guy is because if you think about it most stories end up with the guy who's helping them is bad. It's just a prediction though.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The White Mountains Reflection

How is Will just like you?

I think will i like me in quite a few ways. One of them is how he is scared of loosing what he has. This is like me in a way, because when I am scared of loosing my childhood. The reason why is because I can do a lot of things now but when I grow older I probably won't be able to do them any more. ex: Juggling and a lot more.

Another reason is because he is a person with some fears I am also someone with quite a few fears. The last reason is the way Will will protect Jack I would also do this with my dogs I would always protect them.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

City Connection Reflection

I found the spark in my City Connection Project was my resources page. The reason why I think this, is because I believe it required all of the information needed. One thing I need to improve on is my presenting. Mostly because of my eye contact, I usually focus on the teacher and not any students which brings down my marks. I've learned how other countries have developed and what resources there special for. I believe I succeeded the expectation. Why I think think this is because I put a lot of time and thought into it.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

My Learning Profile

Profile L

1. I learn best through movement and by focusing on a whole picture, context also emotional relevance to self. My movements intend to be spontaneous and fluid while relaxed. I may move forward with caution, feeling clumsy and stuck under stress. When i'm relaxed I usually see, hear and easily communicate the details and sequence of information, both verbally and written.

2. I need to move while processing internally with minimal external sensory stimulus. One more thing I need is quiet time alone, especially when integrating ideas new ideas under stress. I tend to start by imagining the end results and then intuitively doing what seem appropriate.

3. Myself as a learner is at a big disadvantage under stress in that I can not access my dominant hemisphere with sensory input and are therefore totally shut off. However, when relaxed, this learner can more easily access logic/gestalt integration than other gestalt profiles.. The dominant gestalt processing works with he preferential sensory-motor access of the hand, eye and ear to the logic hemisphere causing logic/gestalt processing to be more integrated.

4. I would like my teachers to know that I may have difficulty communicating, seeing, listening and remembering when under stress. As a learner I will see the whole picture but not know where start to chunk it down into linear pieces of of language to express it. I think it would me as a learner if I sat on the right side of class so I could hear better with my right ear and see better with my right eye.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Years Resolution

New years resolution

1. My New Years Resolution is to get better grades in Math, Science and Humanities. The reason why I chose these subjects is because after the first trimester my grades dropped in all of those classes. One other reason I want to make my grades go up is because I want to maybe go to starship in 8th grade.

2. One of my other resolutions is to help other people more than I used to. One of the two reasons I want to help others more is because I want to be more helpful and useful. Not only to help classmates but also to help my mum and dad around the house.

My christmas vacation was a blast... My uncle and aunt came over from scotland to surprise us so that was great. Then for christmas I got some really cool stuff new phone, new clothes etc. I had a lot of fun this christmas break.