Thursday, January 13, 2011

My Learning Profile

Profile L

1. I learn best through movement and by focusing on a whole picture, context also emotional relevance to self. My movements intend to be spontaneous and fluid while relaxed. I may move forward with caution, feeling clumsy and stuck under stress. When i'm relaxed I usually see, hear and easily communicate the details and sequence of information, both verbally and written.

2. I need to move while processing internally with minimal external sensory stimulus. One more thing I need is quiet time alone, especially when integrating ideas new ideas under stress. I tend to start by imagining the end results and then intuitively doing what seem appropriate.

3. Myself as a learner is at a big disadvantage under stress in that I can not access my dominant hemisphere with sensory input and are therefore totally shut off. However, when relaxed, this learner can more easily access logic/gestalt integration than other gestalt profiles.. The dominant gestalt processing works with he preferential sensory-motor access of the hand, eye and ear to the logic hemisphere causing logic/gestalt processing to be more integrated.

4. I would like my teachers to know that I may have difficulty communicating, seeing, listening and remembering when under stress. As a learner I will see the whole picture but not know where start to chunk it down into linear pieces of of language to express it. I think it would me as a learner if I sat on the right side of class so I could hear better with my right ear and see better with my right eye.

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