Thursday, January 13, 2011

My Learning Profile

Profile L

1. I learn best through movement and by focusing on a whole picture, context also emotional relevance to self. My movements intend to be spontaneous and fluid while relaxed. I may move forward with caution, feeling clumsy and stuck under stress. When i'm relaxed I usually see, hear and easily communicate the details and sequence of information, both verbally and written.

2. I need to move while processing internally with minimal external sensory stimulus. One more thing I need is quiet time alone, especially when integrating ideas new ideas under stress. I tend to start by imagining the end results and then intuitively doing what seem appropriate.

3. Myself as a learner is at a big disadvantage under stress in that I can not access my dominant hemisphere with sensory input and are therefore totally shut off. However, when relaxed, this learner can more easily access logic/gestalt integration than other gestalt profiles.. The dominant gestalt processing works with he preferential sensory-motor access of the hand, eye and ear to the logic hemisphere causing logic/gestalt processing to be more integrated.

4. I would like my teachers to know that I may have difficulty communicating, seeing, listening and remembering when under stress. As a learner I will see the whole picture but not know where start to chunk it down into linear pieces of of language to express it. I think it would me as a learner if I sat on the right side of class so I could hear better with my right ear and see better with my right eye.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Years Resolution

New years resolution

1. My New Years Resolution is to get better grades in Math, Science and Humanities. The reason why I chose these subjects is because after the first trimester my grades dropped in all of those classes. One other reason I want to make my grades go up is because I want to maybe go to starship in 8th grade.

2. One of my other resolutions is to help other people more than I used to. One of the two reasons I want to help others more is because I want to be more helpful and useful. Not only to help classmates but also to help my mum and dad around the house.

My christmas vacation was a blast... My uncle and aunt came over from scotland to surprise us so that was great. Then for christmas I got some really cool stuff new phone, new clothes etc. I had a lot of fun this christmas break.